jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Summary Modern Age

Summary: The Modern Age

The Modern Age starts when Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. It finishes with the French Revolution in 1789. 

During Modern Age cities´ population grew.
Galileo and Copernico discovered that the Earth was round and that it moved around the Sun.

Cervantes and Shakespeare are authors of the Modern Age. The printing press was an invention by Gutemberg. Da Vinci was a famous artist of the Modern Age. 

Modern Age worksheets solved

Hello third-graders!

I´m uploading the correction of the worksheets that we did today in class.

Best regards,


lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Contenidos del examen de Social Sciences

Queridas familias,

Con objeto de facilitaros la preparación de exámenes con vuestros hijos, he subido unas cuantas fichas sobre la Prehistoria, la Edad Antigua y la Edad Media. En el examen del día 7 tan solo entrarán estas épocas y la Edad Moderna, dado que nos hemos demorado más de lo previsto en la explicación de dichos contenidos, en parte debido a la no realización de las actividades propuestas para casa en dos ocasiones, que ha impedido localizar a tiempo las lagunas en los aprendizajes de los alumnos.

La Edad Contemporánea NO entrará en este examen.

Un abrazo,


Solutions for Worksheets

jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Interactive video about Middle Ages

Hello third-graders!!

I´m uploading a video with questions so that you have fun while learning about Middle Ages.

Hope you enjoy it!!

Best regards,



Worksheets Prehistory, Ancient history and Middle ages

Hello third-graders!

I´m uploading some worksheets so that you can practice with the history concepts we have been studying in class. You can make the following activities and figure out how much about history you already know!
I will upload some more as soon as we continue studying the next eras.

Best regards,


jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Homework 27th April

Hello third-graders!

As you know, we are building a TIMELINE. So as to complete it next Wednesday IN CLASS you need to collect the following pictures from magazines or printing them from the Internet:
- A book
- A ship
- A monk
- A chain
- A Dolmen
- A printer (Imprenta, no impresora)
- A factory
- A piece of coal
- A city

They should be small pictures (3x3cm) and you should NOT stick it in the timeline we have already made in class.

Have a nice long-weekend!!!!


miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Unit 7


Measure: medir
Decade: a period of 10 years
Century: a period of 100 years
Millenium: a period of 1000 years
B.C.: Before Christ was born.
A.D.: Annus Domini (After Christ was born).
Source: fuente
Remain: resto

We can imagine a line which is the TIME that has passed, this is called HISTORY. This line can be divided into several stages: Prehistory, Ancient history, Middle Ages, Modern Age and Contemporary history.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

How plants reproduce

Types of plants

Nutrition of a plant

Nutrition of a plant

The process of nutrition in plants is called photosynthesis and it is also a cycle:
1) Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil (water + nutrients= raw sap)
2) Raw sap travels to the leaves and mix with sunlight and carbon dioxide (raw sap + CO2 + sunlight = elaborated sap)
3) Elaborated sap travels through the plant
Plants release oxygen as a result of this process.