miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

HOMEWORK 19/10/2016

For all of you that did not finish today´s lesson on Social Studies, remember that you have to answer the questions below the topic with the information you find in the following summary:



Earth Globes
A Globe is an sphere that represents the planet Earth. In it we can see imaginary lines that represent:
  • -        Equator: imaginary line that divides the Earth in two halves.
  • -         Poles: North and South. They are in opposite extremes of the central axis.
  • -         Central axis: imaginary line from north pole to south pole.
Cartography and maps
Cartography is the science of making maps. Maps are pictures of places. So as to make a map we follow the next steps:
1)   Collecting data: artificial satellites give us different data from the Earth.
2)   Making the map: use of the data so as to draw the map.

Types of maps:
a)   Physical: geography
b)  Political: countries
c)    Theme maps: depending on the topic.

Answer the next questions using the information above:
1)   What is an Earth Globe?

2)   Which parts can we find in a globe?
3)   What is cartography?

4)   How are maps done?
5)   Which types of maps are there?

1 comentario:

  1. Hola! Os dejo un enlace con recursos sobre cartografía del Instituto Geográfico Nacional: http://www.ign.es/ign/layout/cartografiaEnsenanza.do
    por si es de utilidad con los niños.
    Un saludo
